Saturday, February 4, 2012

Settling Quarrels in Marriage

Quarrels arise mostly due to different opinions. Opinions will always be made and expressed. Everyone is entitled to one! Caution! You have the right to your thought, so also your spouse has, and they have good basis for their opinions. You can be the only right one when you are the plaintiff, solicitor and the judge all at the same time in these situations. What you have successful done is to vindicate yourself by yourself, you made the defense and judgment.

On a good day rather than assuming these three beautiful roles at same time you can create a level playing ground where your spouse can defend his or her innocence. If you deny audience, you have marginalized the person, and you denied him or her of a fair hearing. Be objective in your judgments and actions.

You need peace, independence, happiness and good life as much as your spouse needs it. Everyone needs good life. Before you become offended please make a move to talk issues over, don’t listen like a good judge but listen to reach compromise. Two of you might be extremists’ reason together how you both feel about your relationship and how to resolve these complain.

It’s not always easy but let the fear of God lead you through been objective and responsible.

Don’t get Wrong Ideas of the child’s mind

Many families had made the mistake letting their child turn out anyway, believing the child can grab from things around him. A typical Yoruba family will adopt the biblical spare the rod and spoil the child.”
The “rod” not necessarily means capital punishment always but sometimes when wrong ideas want to engraft themselves in the mind of the child.

Children can be compared to clay in the hands of the potter meaning their characters could be molded by parents, teachers and things around them. Some school of thought believes that this is not a rue idea, that it is more nearer the truth when you compare these kids with young plants.

Their mind are growing with certain qualities that cannot be altered, we can help to give their minds and characters direction and we can promote healthy growth by suitable food, just as we can do in the case of plants afore mentioned but our work is not that of “molding” characters, rather it is that of helping it to grow and develop in the right way.

The children mind is neither a blank slate nor a piece of clay on which we can make any sort of impressions. The mind of the youngest child is by no means blank. It is full of impressions and alive with activity and response to any new impression depends upon the ideas already in his mind, and upon how actively his mind is at work at the time the impression is received.

The child is always active, and it is this constant activity that makes growth and development possible.
Some parent expects a child to sit for long period a place but you have only to watch children when left to their selves, to see how unnatural this is. If a child remain still for long without being compelled to do so shows he’s not quite well.