Saturday, June 11, 2011

Leading your child to make the right decisions

Leading your child to taking decisions as a teenager

$10 off 1st order + $5 off every case of diapers - Code: "FIVEAFF" (expires 9/30)Parents should not cower around their moody teenagers, adolescents for fear of hurting their feelings. The parent should rather protect themselves by adopting a more authoritative style of parenting.

Man's environs includes not only materials, things such as house he has in town, city or village, also the people amongst which he lives, that implies their thoughts words, ideas and ideas that comes from books. There is the mental and spiritual
environments, the two are distinct don't confuse them. We owe our lives to God
no matter what anybody says, he sustains us, when we learn to use our life
aright apart from God we're heading on a head on collision with catastrophe.

It is important we open the eyes of the child to see that no man can adjust himself
aright to align to his environs until he has entered into the right relationship with God, education must help the child to do this, if not the child is heading towards a catastrophe.

Man adjusting to his environment means making the right choices, choosing
$10 off 1st order + $5 off every case of diapers - Code: "FIVEAFF" (expires 9/30)between right and wrong things or between good things and better things. The child has
to some extent the power of choice, it is this power of choice that makes it easier
for him to be educated.

Children are much more resilient than peoples assume

"The authoritative parent is warm an involved, but a firm and consistent in establishing
and enforcing guidelines limits and expectations" says Professor Lawrence Steinberg of Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Thus was his conclusion after studying thousands of parents for more than ten years. The report further reiterates that adolescent raised in these type of settings are higher achievers, happier and are therefore most unlikely take part in anti-social behaviors and crime.

One of the most greatest problem of parenting and education is to tend and lead the child to make the right choice and respond in the best way to his surroundings so that he might learn to understand the world he lives in.
copyright Foluso Ojoniyi 2011 .
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